[norebro_heading module_type_layout=”on_middle” subtitle_type_layout=”bottom_subtitle” title=”R3Jvd2luZyUyMHlvdXIlMjBCdXNpbmVzcyUyMHdpdGglMjBTeW5kaWNhdGlvbg==” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”][norebro_text]

Video syndication is an important aspect of email marketing which is intended to help grow your business. After getting over the hurdle of creating your video, the next challenge is how to get people to view it. You can’t just post it on your site and leave it there, it has to be distributed. There is no point in using video marketing if you will wait for people to see your videos on your website.
Our team of social media experts can help you create a central location for your video syndication to keep track of your published material and to keep track of that with the available analytics on published platforms[/norebro_text]

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[norebro_heading module_type_layout=”on_middle” subtitle_type_layout=”top_subtitle” title=”V2hhdCUyMGlzJTIwVmlkZW8lMjBTeW5kaWNhdGlvbiUzRg==” subtitle_typo=”weight~inherit”]
[norebro_text]Video syndication is the process of distributing your videos on all video sites and social media channels to communicate your message to a wider audience. This way, your videos contribute to inbound traffic which ultimately generates higher conversion rates.

You can either syndicate your videos manually or through a video distribution platform. The latter is the easier and more convenient option because with just a simple click of a button you can distribute your video/s to various websites.

If you want to do it manually, you can either upload it to YouTube or have it hosted and then use the link to post it to social media sites or you can download the embed link to get the HTML code that would allow websites to play your video. If you were to upload your video to 20 websites manually, you have to do it one by one which is a lot of work and utter waste of time.[/norebro_text]

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[norebro_text]Video distribution platforms make syndication so easy that you don’t have to dedicate a lot of productive hours to your video marketing campaign. Most platforms will allow you to upload your videos and host them on your behalf. To upload videos, you simply need to drag and drop from your computer to the web app. The platform does the encoding for you in whichever format you prefer (avi, glv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mv4, wmv , etc.).

Once your video has been uploaded, you need to give it a title, tag it, and write a description as well as meta description. The most important part in the description is the backlink towards your site. Use keywords that are relevant to your video. All of the content you just added to your video will help search engines index it and in turn, give it a good organic ranking.

Choose all the video sites and social media channels you want to distribute your video to and in just a matter of clicks your video gets fully syndicated.

Not all video platforms or players offer these features so before deciding which one to use, check out what other consumers are saying about it and see the list of available features.[/norebro_text]

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Videos are more engaging compared to text content. You get more traffic from viewers and the people they share it too. Once people start liking and sharing your video content on their social media accounts, your number of viewers and visitors can grow exponentially.


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Every great idea starts with a good conversation. Let’s work together and grow your business just like you envisioned.


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